I have never liked the idea of dancing in the rain. It's one of the big things they do in movies when two people love each other... it is usually portrayed as romantic, fun, and a thing somebody does when they're free.
I have danced in the rain by myself and with my man. It is not fun. It's wet and cold. When I've done it I couldn't help but ask myself what in the world I thought I was doing frolicking around in the freezing, cold rain pretending I was having the time of my life.
But as much as I hate dancing in the rain, I want to teach that skill to my daughter. I want to teach that skill to my son.
We all have storms in our lives. Sometimes God puts them there. Sometimes we do, and sometimes Satan initiates them.
The first thing I want to do when I hear a storm coming is snuggle down under my covers and hide. I don't want the windows open. I don't want to hear it, and I don't want to see it. I want to hide from storms. And I CERTAINLY do not want to go outside and stand in the middle of one and dance.
How often do we try do that with the figurative storms in our lives? It is much easier to preoccupy our hearts and minds than to deal with the storms in our lives. It's nicer to pretend they don't exist.
I believe God wants us to figure out how to dance in the rain of the storms in our lives. I believe he wants us to go out in the pouring rain with lightening flashing and thunder rumbling and lift our eyes and hands towards Heaven and spin around giving him praise for ALL of the things he gives and allows. We should give thanks for the storms we hate that ultimately bring new growth in our lives.
So how do you teach this concept to children? How do you make them understand what I even mean? Am I setting a good example? Do I practice this art of dancing in the rain in the midst of my life's storms?
How often do we curse God for the rain and storms that come in our lives instead of giving Him thanks? This week I challenge you to spend some time in thanksgiving for even those things in life that you would rather do without. I challenge you to be that weirdo out spinning around in the rain having people look at you like you're nuts. You can do it because you ARE free. If you have excepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you ARE free to dance in the midst of life's storms. No matter what.