"In our dreams we are able to fly and that is a remembering of how we were meant to be." Madeleine L'Engle
I learned this saying years ago as it was embedded into one of my mom's works of art. It has stuck with me ever since.
Have you ever dreamed you could fly?
I have dreamed I could fly since I was young.
In my dreams I hover the ground mimicking a standing position, but floating forward, always forward and rising ever higher.
It is an effortless, leisurely, peaceful-kind of fly. No wings; I just think and I go.
Most lately I have not had dreams or "memories" of this happening. This memory has been replaced by a deep and very real desire. My soul looks to the sky to see it open. My spirit longs to ascend and go home.
How long, oh Lord, must your people wait?
There is an intense longing growing in the hearts of those who are saved. Have you felt it? This desire is spilling out in everyday conversation. Strangers bring up their longings which validate my own.
Something big is happening, and you and I are in the middle of it. The things that are coming are things of our nightmares. Terrible things of our imagination on this earth.
But to those who have believed and are saved, there remains a blessed hope of Jesus Christ returning in the sky to take us home. (Titus 2:12-13)
Lord, come quickly.