Thursday, July 10, 2014

No More, America

There once was a king, Manasseh, who did evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 21). He built alters for Baal and made an Asherah pole. He worshiped all the hosts of heaven and served them. He burned his son as an offering and consulted fortune tellers, omens, mediums, and spiritualists. Not only did he participate in this evil, but he led the nation of Israel to participate in all his sin. Israel sinned more than any other nation before her because of Manasseh’s poor leadership. The Lord’s anger burned because of Israel and Manasseh.

In his anger the Lord said that because of the abominations Manasseh and Israel had committed he would bring such disaster on the nation that every ear who heard of it would tingle. He said that he would even forsake the remnant of his heritage and give them into the hand of their enemies to become prey and spoil to them.


A couple of years later a very good king began ruling in Jerusalem, King Josiah (2 Kings 22). King Josiah started ruling when he was eight years old; he restored the forgotten Law of the Lord and rid the land of all the idols Manasseh had erected. There was no king before him or after him who turned to the Lord with all of his heart, soul, and might according to the Law of Moses (2 Kings 23:25).

Bear with me…

Even though King Josiah turned to the Lord with all of his heart, soul, and might, and even though the whole nation of Israel turned again to serve the Lord, God did not turn away from his burning anger and planned wrath against Israel that Manasseh had provoked in him years earlier. The Lord still planned to destroy Israel.


So how can we relate this story to our lives today?

In America, the majority of people do not serve carved idols. We don’t bow down to them or offer sacrifices: child or monetary. We don’t even know what an Asherah pole is.

But I believe what America has done is worse. We have not been deceived into worshiping heavenly hosts or images that we believe are gods. No, we worship ourselves.

Our children are not sacrificed on an alter to satisfy a statue’s desires. No, our children are sacrificed in our bellies to satisfy our own. We do not lay down the first fruits of our labor- our money, our food, our gifts of any kind- at the feet of an idol in some sort of temple. Our first fruits are spent on ourselves. And we certainly don’t waste our money to build high places of worship for the heavenly hosts; no, we live in mansions (compared to the rest of the world) filled with stuff, always wanting more, bigger, better. The lusts of these foreign gods of these ancient nations are manifest in our own lives today.

And this is not a new phenomenon. It is, and always has been, the American dream.

Even if a president rose who restored this nation into a God-fearing, Bible following, perfect society, I believe it is too late for America to be saved. The detestable abominations we have done in the Lord’s sight, I believe, are too evil not to be punished.

I look at these old nations in the Bible and at the Israelites… at least they were serving false gods. At least they were serving something they perceived to be bigger than their selves.

But, not us. Not Americans. We are our own gods… and after all, wasn’t that the reason for Satan’s fall in the first place? Didn’t he consider himself an equal with God? The Lord made redemption available to fallen men who were tricked into believing a lie. He did not provide an avenue of restoration for the spirits who declared their selves to be god. It is the ultimate rebellion.

America, what are you doing?

It is a grave sin, and I am afraid for your future.