Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Separation of Church and State

There are some political activists, who so often believe in a completely different set of worldviews than I do. They like to talk about a separation of the church and state. These lobbyists use this phrase to crush any form of Christianity that might possibly have a positive impact on the citizens of this once-fine nation.

Islam? “Now that should be allowed in school,” they say. Somehow they manage to mandate prayer rooms and designate times so Muslim children can be allowed to practice their religion during school. To deny them this right would be impeding on their religious freedoms… But, of course, at the same time, Christian prayer has been banned from school in any form. Some Christian children are even being told they cannot say a prayer of thanksgiving before they eat their lunches…

So I’d like to weigh in on this whole separation of church and state issue.

I agree with those activists who “cheerlead” this separation of the church and state. I simply cannot wait until this separation has finally been achieved!

One day our glorious Lord will appear in the sky with the sound of a trumpet, and those who are dead and those who are alive who have loved the Lord and accepted his saving sacrifice on their behalf, those people will be removed from this earth. And what will be left but the complete and utter separation of the church and state?

So here is my request to all of you champions who want to get the church out of your schools, out of your businesses, and out of your lives: Let us go about our work of the Lord. As soon as our work is through, and not a second longer, our Lord will remove us from your sight.