Monday, June 27, 2016

Spiritual Disciplines

I have been challenged this week by a former Muslim Fatimah from Singapore. After finding Jesus, she says that she is forever grateful for her upbringing. In trying to be a good Muslim, she learned many disciplines that help her in her Christian walk.

Good Muslims are required to pray five times a day. This Fatimah did not ever miss a prayer. It did not matter where she was or who was watching when it was time to pray; she would drop to the ground and say her prayers. Good Muslims are required to fast 30 days during the month of Ramadan. Being the daughter of an Imam, this Fatimah would fast up to 45 days around Ramadan. And finally, because she wanted to be faithful to allah, this Fatimah spent time trying to memorize the Quran every day before she left for school.

She said that Muslims put Christians to shame with their discipline.

Christians do not have a minimum number of times that they are required to pray during a day. We are simply told to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Christians do not have a minimum number of days that we are supposed to fast during a year. We are simply told to fast (Matthew 6:16-18).

Christians are not required to memorize their Bible. We are simply given an example of hiding the Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11).

I fear that because Jesus frees his followers from all bondage (Galatians 5:1), many Christians in America today are lazy about their own spiritual disciplines. We have been free so long that we take our freedom for granted.

In general, American Christians only tend to speak to God when they want something. It is a one-way monologue, and then they are left doubting this Jesus other people say they have a relationship with.

In general, American Christians do not fast. It is something they have never done, it is something that has never been taught to them, and many do not find the necessity in learning this discipline for themselves. It is funny, Satan has successfully compelled many religions to fast, but Christians will not fast for the only true God.

In general, American Christians do not memorize their Bible. Again, some Buddhists, for example, memorize 20,000 pages worth of their scripture in their flesh. American Christians fantasize that they cannot even memorize one verse, even with the help of the Holy Spirit.

As Christians, we are free from legalism in our religion. But we should not use this freedom as an excuse to become lazy followers of Christ. Many other religions successfully invoke a fear of a false god if their followers are not spiritually disciplined. Where is this fear of the Christian God in America? Where is our discipline?