I used to have a blog.... but after hearing my mom gripe about people who have blogs and that nobody wants to read about what you're doing anyway, and that it's really just a selfish way to only talk about yourself all the time, and on and on and on... I got rid of it.
And then what happened? My mom got a blog... HA... and then my sister got a blog... and I follow other peoples' blogs. I don't always comment; in fact, I rarely comment, but I like to know what's going on in other people's lives. I like to know what is important enough to them to write down and tell those three or four people who might actually remember to read or care about what they have to say.
So here is my new blog.
I guarantee you it will be boring. I guarantee you it will have LONG posts. But you don't have to read if you don't want to. I write for myself.
I love to write. I always have. I remember getting our first computer in seventh grade. I used to sneak and get on that computer in the middle of the night. I only ever had one friend online to chat with, but I would chat with him. Why? I desperately wanted to teach myself to type. I printed out a keyboard that had the correct fingering printed on it, and I typed terribly slowly but MADE myself do it right. I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn right. And now, more than a decade later, I took a typing test for a hiring agency and busted out a whopping 75 wpm with zero mistakes. Now, I had spent the previous week with my friend, Felicia, in Ohio and we had gotten ceramic nails done. Mine were long. I couldn't type worth anything, but still managed to pull out what, to me, was a fairly high score. I wonder what my typing speed would be if I took it without any big ol' long nails on. I don't trust those internet testing sites, but maybe one day I'll be tested for real again.
And so there is my example of how I will type a lot about something that doesn't really mean anything.
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