What an adventure this past year has been!
I am glad to say that it has finally come to an end. Things may be settling down in our lives for a while.
I have to take this time to brag a little bit... the movers packed our belongings into boxes on Thursday, August 12. They loaded our (completely full) SEMI on Friday, August 13. Our stuff was delivered to our new address on Saturday, August 14, and by 1:00 am on Sunday, August 15 every box was UNPACKED and PUT AWAY!!!
What a feat! Boxes are stacked... well, more like thrown... from floor to ceiling in our basement. We had a pile of moving paper LITERALLY taller than Josh (6'4") in our fireplace room. And that was just one pile. We had another giant pile upstairs, and at least four wardrobe boxes full of the stuff.
I tell you all of this just to give you an idea of how much work we have done! Every dish is in its place. All of my clothes are neatly put away. I still have to straighten out Josh's mess of clothes, but at least they are all in the master closet where they belong.
It's amazing how quickly a person can do a completely overwhelmingly huge task if there is motivation behind it. My motivation? I wanted to impress my parents! They had seen the house when the movers were bringing stuff in, and they were coming to church the following day. I thought to myself wouldn't they be impressed if everything was all put away when they got here tomorrow morning??
Well, I don't know if I impressed them, and I really don't care, but I impressed myself. (Josh only unpacked 9 boxes... of course everybody who knows me would know I'd keep count!!!)
Now I am having a difficult time finding the motivation to continue to straighten my house out. I have about a billion pictures that need to find homes on a wall, and several small piles of I don't know where to put this in this new house, so I'm going to put it here until I find place for it later. Little piles are on my master bath vanity, my prayer table, my night stand, one in the office, one in the Africa room, one very small one- mostly batteries and the like- on my dining room table, one on my other dining room table, two in my kitchen... and that's it- minus all the piles of pictures.
It really isn't that much if I'd just GET IT DONE... but it's hard.
Today I think I procrastinated the day away, but I used the time very wisely I think. I spent a chunk of time getting out my new address cards... I spent about four hours adjusting our three-year budget plan to fit Josh's new salary and pay periods... I've done and put away something like five loads of laundry... yeah, and that's about it. I shopped for free stuff on Craigslist, and may be getting a living room set off of there... but probably not.
My mom is coming tomorrow for a few days to help me get my house ready. I WELCOME HER WITH OPEN ARMS!!! Thank you, Mommy, for taking the time to come here and offer your ideas, and hear me say over and over, "No, I think I'm going to do it this way instead," and not get all out of sorts about it. We will have a great time, and we'll leave time for plenty of play... and several long soaks in the Jacuzzi tub!!
Okay, I think I'll go get my mom's room ready. I've been putting it off for almost six hours now.
Thanks for reading!!
The house did look great! Our house is a dump, but at least it's a place to live with the dogs. I still have boxes full of crap everywhere and this is our 4th week living here. I HATE packing and unpacking!