When I read my last post, I picture some sort of super-human crazy lady, and I think, how can you be so calm! Don't worry folks, as the days have passed I have gotten more and more human and less and less patient.
I finally decided to get out of bed around 5:30 this morning. After tossing and turning about half an hour, I decided I shouldn't make it any harder for Josh to sleep. I took the four hours of sleep I managed to get and came downstairs and watched me some Turning Point on our laptop. I was able to get back to sleep around 7:00 this morning. I figured I'd get an hour's nap in before church.
Nope, Josh thought it would be helpful to turn off the alarm because I had such a hard time sleeping last night. It's past 10:30 and he's still snoozing away up there. That means a three hour nap for me, no church for us, and a bored wife trying to find something to do to pass the time! On with the blog post!
Eleven days ago my mom came down per my request to take Micah home with her. Little did she know that when she offered to come down and take him away that morning that I would talk to Josh immediately when he got up and get the okay from him for her to go ahead and do it!
At first I just LOVED having Micah gone. It's not very often that a stay at home mom ever gets to actually be home without her kids. I was NOT depressed, though some of what I did while he was first away might seem like the manic-form of a manically depressed person! Oh my goodness, did I clean! I had a three-page to-do list that I had formed and I got it all done. I did things that weren't even on my list- like clean all of the nasty keys on my piano.... I just LOVE cleaning! I love starting a cleaning project and not getting interrupted from it twenty times by a needy baby. I really enjoyed that first week of Micah being gone and waiting for New Baby...
But now all of the cleaning is done. Yesterday, I finally started to really begin to miss Micah, and when I was watching old videos of him this morning, I was really missing him!
I want to get this kid out! Micah's first birthday is in just four days, and I'm afraid I'm going to miss seeing him on it because I won't have gone into stupid labor! I know I could ask my mom to bring him back home any time and she would at the drop of the hat, but I don't really want him here. I miss him like crazy now, but it is still way too helpful having him gone. I don't have to haul his heavy butt up and down the stairs, and we don't have to worry about finding a sitter if the time ever DOES come for us to go to the hospital. (Plus, the house really does stay clean!)
But boy do I miss him. I want to hurry up and have this baby and almost all of my reasons are selfish! Maybe the only unselfish reason is because I feel so bad having Micah dumped on my mom for so long. I know she is enjoying her time with him, but let's face it. It is not easy adding a baby to your daily routine- even one as easy-going as Micah. It's not easy having him at work every day with you either.
But here are some of my selfish reasons:
1) I really want to meet this new baby! I am so excited to see her face- I can hardly stand it!
2) After laboring with no pain medication while on Pitocin when I had Micah, I do NOT want to go through the pain of being induced again!! I still want an un-medicated birth, but I know that, for me, that will not be possible while on Pitocin. (I did get the epidural for the pushing stage of Micah's birth.)
3) I am so sick of waiting! (What expectant mother isn't by and past her due date!?)
4) Oh, I want to see my Micah!! I don't want him home to have to care for before I have this new baby, so I want to hurry up and have her so that he can come home! Plus, I DON'T want to miss seeing him on his birthday.
5) The longer I wait to have this kid, the more days Josh will have to take off work. This past week he had TEN DAYS OFF in a row!! Well, he had to work one night in that run. Boy, wouldn't it have been convenient to have had this baby at the beginning of that stretch!? Well, he has to make up those days he was forced to take off, and that fun six nights of work in a row start this coming Wednesday. It is really going to suck if I go into labor Wednesday night and he has to take all those days off work. That is 72 hours. It will eat up any and all vacation he last left for this year... and it's only April!
6) I just can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach again!
So there are my selfish, human reasons for wanting to hurry up and have this kid. I am sick of waiting. I am sick of trying to make myself enjoy my waiting. I am bored without Micah and with no cleaning to do. Okay, so there are more than six selfish reasons why I guess, but now you all know that I am no super-human who patiently endures!
When my friend, Felicia, found out I hadn't had any baby yet, she quoted me a scripture that I thought was pretty funny! "Surely I say unto you, ye shall be delivered!"
This verse made me laugh out loud and brightened my day a bit when she sent it to me, but it wasn't until now that I was looking up the scripture to post with this verse that I realized this verse is NOT in the Bible.
Great. What am I going to do now!?
Well, I guess no woman has ever just never had her baby. Some day soon it will be this baby's turn to be introduced to this beautiful world. She is such a stubborn little thing though, I hope she doesn't have to be forced to come out!!
We all can't wait!
ReplyDeleteMy advice would be to try NOT to think about how neat it will be to turn over on your stomach while sleeping. That will drive you nuts like it did me. Micah was snoozing when I was at Donna's this week and I was disappointed I didn't get to see him.