Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Chidren Are Not My Own

Isn't it amazing to think about how our children are not our own?

You and I have very little control over what happens in our lives. Weather a person believes in God or not, it is God who allows them to be blessed and allows them to endure hardship. It is God who decides who has what children and who does not. Without God, man can do nothing.

Without my God I would not be alive. He knitted me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). Even before I was formed in the womb, it was the Lord who knew me and set me apart (Jeremiah 1:5). What choice did I have in being born? What choice did I have in the parents God gave me? I could not have made any of these things happen of my own accord.

In the same manner, my children did not have a choice in their creation. Josh and I did not have a choice in their creation either. Josh and I had no power over weather God would make us fertile or infertile. We had no choice over weather all of our children would miscarry or be carried full-term. We had no control over what sex children God would bless us with, and we have no control over how many children God will allow us to have.

God has entrusted Josh and I with His children- His creation for a short time on this earth. I did not know my children before they were born, but God did. I did not choose which children God would allow me to raise, but my Father chose; their Father chose.

I believe we all have two specific reasons we were put on this earth. To become like Christ and to win others for God's kingdom (1 Corinthians 11:1 and 1 Corinthians 9:22 respectively). This calling starts at home. 

It is my job to make sure my children meet, get to know, and love their real Heavenly Father, eventually even more than they love me. It is my job to make sure that my children understand that they are not of this world (John 15:19).

So I challenge you, readers, to imitate God so that He can be reflected in your lifestyle so that your children might be saved. You cannot imitate God if you do not spend time with him or read his word. You cannot imitate God if you do not obey him, and you cannot imitate God if you do not serve others.

Our children are not our own. It is our job to be good stewards of these precious little gifts God has given us and to encourage our children's growth in Him.

1 comment:

  1. Micah is certainly spilling over with what he is learning! Not only singing and motioning for Jesus Loves Me and The Wise Man, but my favorite with Micah is The Fruits of the Spirits... especially Self-Control-ol-ol-ol-ol!

    I am so proud that you and Josh are raising your children in the way they should go; when they are old the Word will not depart from them.
