I think I've put this post off long enough. I just couldn't come up with anything. So here's the boring answer: I couldn't live without air, water, food, clothes and shelter. That's it. I don't have any other things that I "couldn't live without" I guess a "holy" person would also include a Bible on the list... but I could live without a Bible like much of the world does. God said in his Bible in Job 12:7-9
7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
I believe God has made a way through nature for people to learn who he is and that a Bible is not a necessity for living. Now don't get me wrong- I think it's a very important part of life, but I do believe that people who never get the opportunity to read God's word are not just damned because of it.
We as Americans are too focused on stuff. I get so sick of stuff. So much of the world does not have three couches in their three story home like Josh and I have. I use this as a tiny example of how unnecessary so many things in our lives are. Three stories is not a necessity. Three couches is not a necessity... and yet- when house hunting- three stories was on my list of "needs." I had to get the three couches to fill the space in the three floors.
I love my stuff just like every American. I love that my washer and drier is on the third floor where all three of the bedrooms are. I don't want to live without the luxuries of my stuff...
But I do know that absolutely NONE of it is necessary.
And I must say... it is quite a freeing feeling to look around your beautiful and home and enjoy all of your stuff, but feel just as happy to give it all away. I think I am finally at a place in my life where I am able to enjoy my things while also knowing that they are luxuries and not needs. I do not feel guilty for having pretty things or several seemingly unnecessary things.
I'm going to go because during this whole blog I've been watching Mrs. Doubtfire, and I've had to keep reading and rereading what I've written... hopefully this blog makes since!!
I could live without a lot of things but my life wouldn't be as fun without Finn, Polly, David Bowie, Star Trek, and Dr. Pepper!