Here I am at 37 weeks. I have something like 17 days left until my due date, and I think I'm ready. I want to repack my hospital bag into a much smaller one. Josh and I decided that the bag I had packed was ridiculous because I had a bag large enough to fit all my stuff PLUS two pillows. I think I'm going to pack a smaller bag and tote the pillows separately.
The baby's room is not finished being decorated. I can't find a picture that I want to be framed for in there. I am also still looking for a piece of furniture to put behind the crib that my leaves can stand on. The furniture is arranged, and the drawers are filled. I still need to find something to put the used cloth diapers in before they are taken down to the basement at the end of the day.
The only complaint I have is back pain. I get sick of it, but I can't complain too much because this pregnancy has been some sort of miracle-kind of easy! I get tired of taking hot baths, but it helps relieve the back pain temporarily. I'm going to be so clean when I go in for delivery!
I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother yet or not. I don't mind the waiting at this point because these are the last days in many years where I will get to be home alone. These are the last days that Josh and I will have the freedom to do whatever we want without having to consider a kid first. I love these last days.
But I am also looking forward to having a new little boy in our lives. I can't imagine what it will be like. Mostly I am looking forward to seeing all of my family after the baby is born and getting to see the excitement on their faces when they hold their first grandson, or nephew, or great grandson!
I can't believe that all of the preparation is done, and all that's left to do is have the baby. Time goes by so quickly.
We can't wait to meet him!