This is the question my nine year old asked me yesterday; more specifically, he asked, "How do you recognize God's voice, and know that it's not just your mind talking to you?"
Of course I started with the trite answer that's written in all the books: You have to read your Bible, and if the voice you're hearing doesn't go against scripture, you're pretty safe.
But I kept going... "But what about those times when God tells you to do or not do something and you can't find a verse that goes with it?" I asked him?
My answer: "Pretty much, if God tells you NOT to do something, you are going to want to do it. If he tells you TO do something, you're not going to want to it."
Galatians 5:17
"For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do."
The greatest character trait that I hope to instill in my children is obedience. My expectation? Obey quickly and with a good attitude. Why? To me, if you can master obedience, you can master the Christian faith.
"Don't take the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory." For those of you who didn't know me at the time, I was part of the first class at Missouri Western State University's Entrepreneurship Program, which is now nationally recognized and awards several businesses a year to hopeful future business owners. The objective: develop a business plan, and convince a panel that they should give you the financing, and franchise/equipment discounts for your own business. I convinced the president of MWSU, the president of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, a lender, and others that I was the best candidate. (Hello, pride!) I was going to get to move to Silverthorne, Colorado, and they were even going to let me pick out a new car...
But God told me to walk away.
When he told me to walk away, Josh had already decided to leave his job, and we would both soon be unemployed...
Long story short, a company that Josh had applied for FOUR years prior contacted him completely out of the blue, interviewed him THAT day, and offered him a job.
Who knew simple obedience would unfold God's plan for our lives?
God's voice often contradicts our pride and desires.
Make Her Some Soup
These examples are many- it's all those times we're asked to serve, when we'd rather not. It's our time, our resources, and our energy when we don't feel like it's necessary. The soup, a thank you letter, that phone call, those niceties we'd rather just put off.
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor."
God's voice often leads to our inconvenience.
Pray for Rain
You can read about my Pray for Rain story on this blog. (I will have you know, the Lord released me to my call of praying for rain in August 2020 after 140 weeks of rain in a row... since then, Missouri has become the first state in America that does not have an operating abortion clinic!)
God's voice (to me) tends to be concise, authoritative, and easy to understand. Even though you might not always know why you are being told to do something, or get to see the results of your obedience.
1 Corinthians 14:33a
"For God is not a God of confusion but of peace."
James 3:17
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."
God's voice is authoritative and direct.
God's voice will lead to fruit if obeyed.
Follow Your Peace
If you are struggling to hear God's voice, I encourage you to first learn how to follow your peace. The fruit of the Spirit includes peace. There are so many examples that I could offer from my own life about following peace, even when that peace has contradicted my reason or desire, but I'll just give you a verse.
Psalm 34:14
"Turn away from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it."
Obey with a cheerful attitude. Why? Because, as mentioned above, our flesh will always war against the ways of the Lord. Our attitudes will flare as our flesh bucks at the idea of submission and obedience.
Now, can God use an resentful servant, who is mad that he has to obey? ABSOLUTELY! Look at Jonah! But unless you want to be alone under a tree all sunburned and mad at the world, you'd better figure out the cheerful side of obedience.
Psalm 100:2a
"Serve the Lord with gladness!"
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