Gilmore Girls!! It's my favorite show of all time! I don't get TV, however, so most all of the "TV" I watch is the seasons that Josh and I buy. We have a bunch. We have Home Improvement, Dinosaurs, Gilmore Girls, Gilligan's Island, I Love Lucy, Supernatural, Smallville, House, Flash, Jericho, Friends, The Mary Tyler Moore Show... hmmm that's twelve. I can't think of any more right now, but I know as I start to fall asleep tonight more will pop into my head.
Secret TV shows that I like but do not own are Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives. I used to have Sex in the City, but it was so trashy that I gave it to my mom- ha ha. And I think she's going to throw it away after she watches it, because I was going to throw it away after I watched it. T-R-A-S-H. But, sadly addicting!
haha, you know what is funny, blake and i watched every single season of Gilmore Girls last fall in like 2 months. it was so addicting that we got to where one of us would be home without the other and would sneak and watch a few episodes. then the other one would get home and the guilty expression gave everything away. we ended up watching some episodes twice b/c blake or I wouldn't fess up that we had watched a couple without the other person. hahaha.