Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Moment I Wish I Could Relive

I don't even have to think about this one! My time spent in Africa. Hands down. Every second. The ridiculously long flight, seeing the beautiful land peek through the clouds for the first time, the scary, curvy, fast car rides in the rain...

The time before I met up with the group and I got to be outside and journal about everything I saw and heard.

The witnessing to people through one or multiple translators. Being followed by the children. Teaching the children, eating "monkey gland sauce" for the first time, getting sick, seeing the rich plant life so different from our own. Looking up at the night sky and seeing the constellation Orion as I've never seen it before- giant, and turned on its side.

The first tent revival. The second tent revival. Learning the native's correct handshake. Being unable to master a simple "hello" in the language of Africaans. Being amazed that every person I met could speak at least two if not four languages.

Seeing how they sold meat in the markets. Standing in line where you touched the person in front of you with your front side, and there was somebody pushed against your back side. Buying my giant pot- then watching it break as it fell out of the car when we opened the back (good thing, how would I have EVER gotten that home!?)

Having the BEST Kentucky Fried Chicken EVER!... this after watching them haul four live chickens to the back of the "restaurant" ... at least I knew it was fresh!

I loved everything about that trip. I wish I had gotten to stay longer. I learned so much about God and myself and a people I have felt a love for for years and years. I so desperately desire to go back to that land someday.

A Favorite Quote

Oh, goodness. I don't know! I don't pay attention to quotes. I forget because they just don't matter to me, so I'll just have to write my favorite verse ever in the Bible.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you can be complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:2-4

I don't know how many times I've repeated these verses to myself. They have gotten me through so many "rough" times. I've never had it very rough, but even if you're just sitting at YET ANOTHER RED LIGHT, this verse can put a smile on your face.

But be warned- if you memorize this verse it can also be quite frustrating when you don't understand why a bunch of crap is going on in your life and you're supposed to consider it all "pure joy!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Favorite Television Program

Gilmore Girls!! It's my favorite show of all time! I don't get TV, however, so most all of the "TV" I watch is the seasons that Josh and I buy. We have a bunch. We have Home Improvement, Dinosaurs, Gilmore Girls, Gilligan's Island, I Love Lucy, Supernatural, Smallville, House, Flash, Jericho, Friends, The Mary Tyler Moore Show... hmmm that's twelve. I can't think of any more right now, but I know as I start to fall asleep tonight more will pop into my head.

Secret TV shows that I like but do not own are Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives. I used to have Sex in the City, but it was so trashy that I gave it to my mom- ha ha. And I think she's going to throw it away after she watches it, because I was going to throw it away after I watched it. T-R-A-S-H. But, sadly addicting!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Favorite Book

Good morning! Happy Veteran's Day to all our men and women who have served and are serving our country with their lives. A special Thank you to my husband for his nine years of service! (Though I'm glad you decided not to reenlist since we have a kid on the way... even though we didn't end up moving to Canada!)

I hate saying this. I wish it weren't true. I truly, truly hate this about myself.... but I can't pick a favorite book. I HATE READING! Oh how much easier and enjoyable life would be if I always had a good book or three that I was in the middle of... but alas, I am one of the slowest readers I know, and I don't really like to read it unless it is a super easy read. When I was a kid my three favorite books were The Man Who Loved Clowns, Wonder, and The Indian in the Cupboard. Today I'd have to say my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.

Those four books combined are probably ones of only 10 maybe 20 that I have read in their entirety. (Not including little six page kids books).

How do I cope with a pure hatred of reading yet a desire to have books read? Books on tape!!

I love them!! I love the Narnia series and anything with a British (male) reader. The problem is they are tricky to find. For all those who care... I am really wanting Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice on audio book. This would be a FANTASTIC Christmas gift for me! Plus, any other fun, cheap audio book you see along the way! (I don't do horror. Period.)

So that's about it. My battery is about to be completely dead, so I'll wrap this up. Have a great day, all! To all my veterans or veteran's families... get your free dinners at Applebee's today. Josh and I plan to tonight!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Favorite Movie

It's 10:50, and I can't sleep. I remembered that I hadn't posted on my blog today like I was hoping to do every day, so here I go. Geez, this is a hard one. I like several movies. I'll just list a few that I like.

Chick Flick: Sweet Home Alabama
Drama: Pride and Prejudice (The BBC America version)
Cartoon: The Last Unicorn
Comedy: I really don't know
Family: I'm guessing it's going to be The Voyage of the Dawn Treader when it comes out! But I like the other Narnia movies too.... it's just that's the one that is my favorite book

I can't really even think of any other movies that I like right now. Of all the movies we own (over 600 actually) I probably watch Pride and Prejudice more than any other. It is GREAT!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Favorite Song

Selah: All My Tears

When I die don't cry for me
In my father's arms I'll be

The wounds this world left on my soul
Will all be healed and I'll be whole

Sun and moon will be replaced
With the light of Jesus' face

And I will not be ashamed
For my saviour knows my name

It don't matter where you bury me
I'll be home and I'll be free

It don't matter where I lay
All my tears be washed away

Gold and silver blind the eye
Temporary riches light

Come and eat from Heaven's store
Come and drink, and thirst no more

So weep not for me my friend
When my time below does end

For my life belongs to Him
Who will raise the dead again

It don't matter, where you bury me
I'll be home and I'll be free

It don't matter, where I lay
All my tears be washed away

It don't matter, they're washed away
It don't matter, they're washed away
It don't matter, they're washed away

Yeah, yeah, yeah
It don't matter where you bury me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
They're washed away
They're washed away 

What a great, fantastic song!!  (By the way, family, this is the last song I want to be played at my funeral before everybody leaves. And I want a CD played of it. I don't want somebody to try to sing it! Make it happen!!)

Everybody who knows me knows that I want to go to Africa some day to be a missionary. I don't know when or if that day will ever come, but I feel like even if I never get to go, at least I can witness to people from beyond the grave by having this song play as my testimony; maybe give somebody a little hope.

So, this is by far one of my favorite songs. Sometimes if I feel sad, I can listen to this song, and just feel so much happiness and peace. We have a great God, and I know that when I die I'll be home, and I'll be FREE!

What a Rip Off!

I am ripping this idea off somebody's blog that I used to follow before she shut it down (You know who you are!)

Each day(ish) I will try to blog about one of the items in the following list. I like to write about things, and this gives me some ideas. Now, unless somebody can tell me how to add videos and pictures onto this thing I won't be adding those parts to the blog ideas because I can't figure out how. I am NOT  a computer wizz!!

Day 1: A favorite song.
Day 2: A favorite movie.
Day 3: A favorite book.
Day 4: A favorite television program.
Day 5: A favorite quote.
Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive.
Day 7: Five things you couldn't possibly live without.
Day 8: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
Day 9: A photo you took.
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently.
Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding(or was played).
Day 13: A guilty pleasure.
Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.
Day 15: A person you admire.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry.
Day 17: An art piece.
Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive.
Day 19: A talent of yours.
Day 20: A hobby of yours.
Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.
Day 22: A website.
Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered.
Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.
Day 25: A recipe.
Day 26: A childhood memory.
Day 27: A physical feature you love.
Day 28: A scar you have and it's story.
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans you have for the next 365 days

Monday, November 1, 2010

"We're Having a Baby... My Baby and Me!"

That's right! For the two or three of you who actually read this blog, I thought I'd finally write about being pregnant since most everybody knows about the upcoming events in May by now. (Except Josh's extended family, who we will tell at our house on Thanksgiving.)

Below is a link to a song I like from the I Love Lucy show when Ricky finds out he's going to be a father for the first time.


So what's it been like for me to be pregnant? And how did it all happen, anyway?

Well, it's not been too bad, actually.

Josh and I had been planning for over a year to start trying for a baby in August 2010. The main reason we had to wait is because of my diagnosis of Graves Disease; the testing required me to ingest radioactive iodine pills, which I had to wait six months to a year before getting pregnant after taking.

By August all of my blood tests came back perfect and we decided to have a go at making that baby!

SUCCESS!! On Wednesday, August 25 I woke up and just knew that I was pregnant. I left Josh sleeping and went down to the Wal Mart and got a pregnancy test. I took it downstairs and saw the little plus sign. I couldn't believe it. I saw the positive sign and still couldn't believe it. I went upstairs and woke Josh up and asked him to come downstairs with me. I just showed him the stick and told him congratulations. It wasn't very romantic. For some reason (even though we were trying to conceive) I just wasn't very excited. Because I just couldn't believe it.

I had my first OBGYN appointment something like two weeks later. They did the test and was giving me my first exam when I asked what the results were. The doctor said that he didn't know what the results were, but that he assumed they were positive because when they aren't the nurse informs him before meeting with a patient. I had my first ultrasound that day and saw (and heard) the heart beat for the first time. Yup. There was a little kiddo in there.

And now, 14 weeks into the pregnancy, I still just can't believe that there's a kid in there! It is the most frustrating feeling! I am not excited. I don't feel an urge to get the baby's room ready or to purchase necessary baby items. I'm just stuck in a world of.... I know the doctor says there's a baby in there... I know I have two ultra sound pictures of it... and I know I haven't had any periods, but there just CAN'T be a baby in there!! How is that even possible!! I don't FEEL any different!

I wish I did feel different!

Josh told me over a year ago to go ahead and start buying baby clothes and maternity clothes so that we wouldn't have such a huge expense all at one time after I got pregnant. I probably have enough clothes to last either sex of child one year... I swear, I was more excited about having a kid a year ago when I was shopping for those clothes and I knew I couldn't have a baby than I am now when I know I'm expecting one!!

The other big question is have I been sick?

Not really. I have been really lucky- or God has blessed me outrageously by having me not be very sick. Mind you, MOST days I feel like I'm going to throw up, but don't. Most days I am starving, but the sound of any food just makes my stomach churn. I have had a few days/weeks where I have actually thrown up... but they have been very few and far between.

My second month of pregnancy or so was riddled with gas pains, constipation, and diarrhea. Not fun. I also suffered from lower back pain.

As far as food aversions go, I know Baby It does NOT like the following foods; i.e. I get sick if I eat them... Mexican and anything sweet... and when I say anything sweet, I had ketchup that I couldn't stand to eat because it was "too sweet." Most recently I have learned that I cannot drink any orange juice either. Which is a shame. I like it and drank it a whole bunch during my first trimester.

I have actually felt worse my second trimester than I did my first trimester. I know, I know- this is opposite of how most people are during pregnancy. I have felt more nauseous and much more low on energy these past few weeks than I did during my first three months.

I am still waiting for a baby belly that is visible to the untrained eye. I have an appointment this Thursday where I'm hoping to learn that I've gained at least a couple of pounds, but I doubt it. I've only lost weight since I've been pregnant, so I have some ground to catch up before I can actually start gaining weight- but who in the world would complain about that!?

I have asked my mom many times when I would start feeling pregnant or actually believe that there's a kid inside of me. She said that it probably wouldn't really sink in until a few months after I've had the baby. How can I prepare for something I have never done before? How can I have any idea what it feels like?

I am afraid, though I don't really know what I'm afraid of. I know Josh will be an amazing father, and I know I am a very capable mother... I just hope I'm good enough. My mom sent me a card and in it she reminded me that God choose Josh and I to be the parents of this baby. Of all the people in the world, God choose us. It is an exciting and humbling thought to know that I am the only one in the world expected to be this baby's mother. Of all the billions of women. I was the one chosen to be THIS baby's mother.

On a different note, I do continue to be excited about Christmas! I started to set up one of my Christmas trees today, though I still have to go to the store and purchase one more strand of lights before I really get to decorating it. This year I have a tree spinner that makes the tree glisten as it turns it. (The tree has fake ice on it... not fake snow... fake ice.) It is just beautiful!

Enjoy your day, and enjoy decorating YOUR homes for Christmas!! And to my one or two mothers out there who might read this, when did you realize -for real- that you were going to be a mother. Will I start believing it more as I get bigger?

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Prayers for Hope... and You

I thought I'd take a minute to write about something... or someone who I have thought of many times in the past several years.... and I don't even have a picture of her.

Her name is Hope. In high school I went on a mission trip with a church to North Dakota. We worked with children on an Indian reservation and helped paint houses. Hope was just one of the little girls who came to our meetings. It didn't matter who you were, Hope would jump up and latch on when she saw you coming; she never wanted to let go unless she was sure there was another person who was ready to hold her. She was probably five or six.

I enjoyed watching little Hope so much. She never said much, and would hide her face when you'd try and talk to her, but boy did she want to be loved on. On the morning our bus was going to pull out some time around 5:00 AM, there was Hope, by herself, to say good bye. Nobody had brought her. No parent had woken her up. Not many other kids were awake to say goodbye, but Hope was. It broke my heart.

How many children are out there so desperate for love that they are willing to cling to a stranger just to feel wanted?

For years I have prayed for Hope. When I got back from the trip I got a Bible for her and wrote a prayer inside for her. I recited this prayer (almost) every night for a year, and then I read from "her" Bible. I don't know if it will ever make a difference, and I'm sure I will never see her again. Of all the people who held and loved her during that trip, I'm sure she didn't remember me the next day, but I still feel a brokenness in my heart for her and for other children like her. I hope my God and my prayers have helped to save her from the life she could have had if she continued to grow up in a very lost community.

She did not come from a place where opportunity was abounding. She came from a compound-like area that was filled with hunger, theft, rape, and a false religion. She came from right in the middle of America.

There are millions of children all over this country and all over this world who need your prayers. They need your touch and your love. It doesn't matter if you pray for somebody you met once on a mission trip or just for the child you saw on the adopt-a-child infomercial. (You don't have to adopt one financially to pray for him/her). I urge you... if you ever get the opportunity to go.... step out of your comfort zone and GO. Weather it be to help the children who survived the LRA, or to help the children in your area's Boys' or Girls' town. Go. Invest. Love. And pray.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Brilliant Accomplishment!

What an adventure this past year has been!

I am glad to say that it has finally come to an end. Things may be settling down in our lives for a while.

I have to take this time to brag a little bit... the movers packed our belongings into boxes on Thursday, August 12. They loaded our (completely full) SEMI on Friday, August 13. Our stuff was delivered to our new address on Saturday, August 14, and by 1:00 am on Sunday, August 15 every box was UNPACKED and PUT AWAY!!!

What a feat! Boxes are stacked... well, more like thrown... from floor to ceiling in our basement. We had a pile of moving paper LITERALLY taller than Josh (6'4") in our fireplace room. And that was just one pile. We had another giant pile upstairs, and at least four wardrobe boxes full of the stuff.

I tell you all of this just to give you an idea of how much work we have done! Every dish is in its place. All of my clothes are neatly put away. I still have to straighten out Josh's mess of clothes, but at least they are all in the master closet where they belong.

It's amazing how quickly a person can do a completely overwhelmingly huge task if there is motivation behind it. My motivation? I wanted to impress my parents! They had seen the house when the movers were bringing stuff in, and they were coming to church the following day. I thought to myself wouldn't they be impressed if everything was all put away when they got here tomorrow morning??

Well, I don't know if I impressed them, and I really don't care, but I impressed myself. (Josh only unpacked 9 boxes... of course everybody who knows me would know I'd keep count!!!)

Now I am having a difficult time finding the motivation to continue to straighten my house out. I have about a billion pictures that need to find homes on a wall, and several small piles of I don't know where to put this in this new house, so I'm going to put it here until I find place for it later. Little piles are on my master bath vanity, my prayer table, my night stand, one in the office, one in the Africa room, one very small one- mostly batteries and the like- on my dining room table, one on my other dining room table, two in my kitchen... and that's it- minus all the piles of pictures.

It really isn't that much if I'd just GET IT DONE... but it's hard.

Today I think I procrastinated the day away, but I used the time very wisely I think. I spent a chunk of time getting out my new address cards... I spent about four hours adjusting our three-year budget plan to fit Josh's new salary and pay periods... I've done and put away something like five loads of laundry... yeah, and that's about it. I shopped for free stuff on Craigslist, and may be getting a living room set off of there... but probably not.

My mom is coming tomorrow for a few days to help me get my house ready. I WELCOME HER WITH OPEN ARMS!!! Thank you, Mommy, for taking the time to come here and offer your ideas, and hear me say over and over, "No, I think I'm going to do it this way instead," and not get all out of sorts about it. We will have a great time, and we'll leave time for plenty of play... and several long soaks in the Jacuzzi tub!!

Okay, I think I'll go get my mom's room ready. I've been putting it off for almost six hours now.

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


David Bowie

Now I don't know what a lot of this song is talking about. But I do know that David Bowie looks pretty dad-gum good in that last scene in Labyrinth. You know the one I'm taking about - the one with the white pants??? Anyway... here are some of the verses that I can relate to as of late.

I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild

Isn't that the truth!!?? What the heck have I been doing these past few months? Waiting. Waiting? Describe waiting. Waiting for months to be told where to move. Waiting for months to almost go. Waiting for Josh to get home. Packing up a box to take up my time that was "running wild." Unpacking the same box. Packing that box one more time. Unpacking that box again. Deciding I'm not packing another box for this move again! There is something to be said about waiting. It is hard. It is full of uncertainty and anxiety.

A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet

Sometimes I'd like to be bitter. Why, God, why? Why did Josh lose his job? Why did we loose our house? Why do I have to take a stupid pill for the rest of my life? Why did my dad get sick? Why did Josh have cancer? Why the heck won't anybody hire me? Why has it taken a year to figure out where we're moving and when?

But I can't be bitter. I simply can't help but smile and feel excitement when I list these items.

When I was working on memorizing the Bible, I was having a hard time figuring out where to start. I wanted to memorize everything! A friend of mine asked me, "What is your favorite book of the Bible?" James. "Then start there. Start with the first verse of James."

James 1:2-4 has gotten me through these past few years. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Praise God! I don't want to be a baby for the rest of my life! I want to be mature and complete, not lacking anything! And if it takes a trial to do that, then bring it on. I know this life is short, and I know that Christ is strong! Christ is in me and therefore I am strong. And when I'm weak- I call on my God and He hears me. And I have peace. So how can I be bitter?

So I turned myself to face me

But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test

I try hard not to be a faker. What you see is what you get. I stopped putting on a show quite a long time ago. If I'm not happy. I don't act happy. When I'm excited, I'm bouncing off the walls. And when somebody asks, "How are you?" My answer is usually quite honest: Tired. Happy. Bored. Angry. The good and the bad.

Have I faked during these trials? I don't think so. I've been happy, I've been excited, and I have looked on the bright side. I have been patient. I've been irritated, I've been angered, I've been ready to just quit. (Yeah- explain that one to me- how do you just quit life?) I've been impatient. I don't think I've been a faker. Again, what you see is what you get.

(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time

And now for the best part of the song! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes! Turn and face the strain!...Just ganna have to be a different man! The best way to deal with life is to face it! And then grow from it.


I struggle with change. I used to get SO mad at Josh because every time we went somewhere he'd take us a different way. It would fill me with an insurmountable amount of anxiety. I always go the same way. I don't like it when my shoes are not in my closet in the right order. I don't like it when the laundry is washed in a different order than I would normally wash it (whites, darks, jeans, brights, towls and bedding). I don't like eating anything with my Hamburger Helper other than corn. (Thanks, Daddy). And I definitely don't like plans to change.

I hate change.

What a fantastic life God has given me!! He has forced me to embrace change these past three years! By Josh and I's three year anniversary we will have moved (or almost moved) three times. Change is getting easier for me. I praise God that I am not locked in my prison of sameness anymore. I would still be in the shackles of my own routine if it hadn't been necessary for me to adapt.

I'll have you all know that when I am driving now that I will actually try to find short cuts too. (Thank you, Josh). My shoes are still neatly stacked (after a failed six-month experiment to leave them cluttered), but I no longer mind where the shoes go back. I first wash whatever pile of laundry is the highest regardless of its color... but with all this personal growth I still have some areas I need to work on. I can still only eat my Hamburger Helper with corn... although SOMETIMES I'll add a side of peas to the menu, and I still very much dislike plans to change at the last minute. Praise God that he is giving me opportunities to work on my dislike of last-minute changes! I am indeed learning to be a different (wo)man!

And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through

I skipped a few lines in the song because I don't know what the heck they're talking about, but I think these lines are interesting.

I told Josh the other day that it was fun being a grown up. I was with a family member that used to just be my friend's mom the other day. She was a neighbor, and her daughter and I were in basketball together. Every time I rode home with her as a kid I'd sit quietly in the back seat scared to make a peep. I didn't know anything about her. A week or so ago we went and saw a play together. We were laughing like a couple of kids during the show. On the way home she talked quite openly about her recent divorce and how she has coped with it. It really hit me, I'm a "grown-up" now. I'm listening to this real-life woman talk about real-life issues. She's not just another mom anymore, and- apparently- I'm not just some dumb ol' kid anymore. I've had my own real-life, grown-up issues to deal with. And I am "quite aware of what I'm going through."

I am still a child trying to change my world, but every year I am able to add more experiences to my life. How does the 100 year old woman have so much wisdom in her eyes? She started out at 23 dealing with one life issue after another. She gave praise to God and moved on after a difficult situation and embraced the change that surrounded her. If she hadn't, she'd have bitterness in her eyes. She'd have resentment in her eyes.

And so I choose to thank my God, and I choose to embrace this change.

Another Blog

I used to have a blog.... but after hearing my mom gripe about people who have blogs and that nobody wants to read about what you're doing anyway, and that it's really just a selfish way to only talk about yourself all the time, and on and on and on... I got rid of it.

And then what happened? My mom got a blog... HA... and then my sister got a blog... and I follow other peoples' blogs. I don't always comment; in fact, I rarely comment, but I like to know what's going on in other people's lives. I like to know what is important enough to them to write down and tell those three or four people who might actually remember to read or care about what they have to say.

So here is my new blog.

I guarantee you it will be boring. I guarantee you it will have LONG posts. But you don't have to read if you don't want to. I write for myself.

I love to write. I always have. I remember getting our first computer in seventh grade. I used to sneak and get on that computer in the middle of the night. I only ever had one friend online to chat with, but I would chat with him. Why? I desperately wanted to teach myself to type. I printed out a keyboard that had the correct fingering printed on it, and I typed terribly slowly but MADE myself do it right. I wanted to learn. I wanted to learn right. And now, more than a decade later, I took a typing test for a hiring agency and busted out a whopping 75 wpm with zero mistakes. Now, I had spent the previous week with my friend, Felicia, in Ohio and we had gotten ceramic nails done. Mine were long. I couldn't type worth anything, but still managed to pull out what, to me, was a fairly high score. I wonder what my typing speed would be if I took it without any big ol' long nails on. I don't trust those internet testing sites, but maybe one day I'll be tested for real again.

And so there is my example of how I will type a lot about something that doesn't really mean anything.
